"1st Awards Banquet "

This is how the night went...

Be patient, some of these pictures are large, and may take a while to load. 

I accepted my 2nd place trophy for Year End!       

           Then I accepted my Trophy for 3rd in States!

 Me and Nicholas accepting our States Trophies!    

Me and Michael Branthoover!     Me and Cody Shuckhart!

Me and My Favorite Rider......Shane Lawson!!!   

Me and Shane Dancing! I was having a BLAST..can you tell??

  Well That was it for the Banquet, I had a lot of fun.... Congratulations to all of my friends that received Trophies....some of us more than others....SHANE! (Thanks for my "Lucky Goggles")

I am looking forward to this coming years Banquet!!!


Here are some pictures of me at the Indoor in Akron, My first race on my King Cobra!

Here it is My New King Cobra!!!

Me and Taylor 

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